Why self-help podcasts don’t get rid of anxiety

Here’s a mistake I see so many people make: they put so much time and energy into personal growth podcasts. And are left wondering why they’re still anxious.

Suffice it to say: I’ve been there...

There’s no question that podcasts are a great option for GENERAL information on anxiety. And they can help you feel less alone.

But there’s a catch.

The problem is: you can’t ask follow up questions in real-time. And they can’t give you personalized feedback when you’re stuck. Podcasts just can’t be as comprehensive as needed.

Maybe you’ve noticed this, too.

Which is why so many people still feel super anxious even after investing hours of listening time. And the part I hate, is that they tend to blame themselves for still feeling anxious, or think their anxiety must be too severe to change.

But why does that happen?

Because podcasts aren’t giving you information based on your SPECIFIC background and circumstances. They give you GENERAL information.

Ok, but why is that so bad?

Anxious people are already great thinkers, that’s kinda the problem. They don’t need an invitation to think more, unless we’re gonna teach them to make behavioral changes with it.

Otherwise it’s just the same thing, different episode.

Therapy is set up to be more comprehensive. It can pinpoint the behaviors that are increasing your anxiety. And also give you the support and troubleshooting needed to change them.

Still with me?

If you’ve been listening to podcasts and still feel stuck… of course you are. It’s not your fault. It’s kind of like using WebMD as your doctor. Good info, and a good first step, but really not sufficient overall.

I see it ALL. THE. TIME. 

You’re fed up with feeling anxious and want to feel more in control of your life, so you get to work cueing up all the top self-help podcasts. 

-you spend hours listening to every episode

-you google more info until you’re in a spiral 

-you ask for recs from other people, in case you just picked the wrong one

And you’re thinking you’re on the right track, so you keep at it.

But, months go by and you’re still anxious and feeling like something is still missing. 


The thing is podcasts CAN be beneficial…but they can also have limitations because as human beings we are each very unique. And so are the ways we experience anxiety. 

So if you’re still feeling anxious despite all the listening hours…don’t blame yourself. 

And if the self-help route didn’t work…and you need some clear next steps? 

Find a therapist who specializes in anxiety who can walk that journey with you and give you individualized support. 

If you think we might be a good fit, my practice has openings! Schedule a free intro call to get started. 


Why coping skills for anxiety might be keeping you STUCK


3 mistakes I see too many people make about anxiety & OCD