3 mistakes I see too many people make about anxiety & OCD
I have made some of these mistakes, too. So the goal here is just to share info and not to shame anyone!
Because these things actually can have a negative impact client outcomes.
And there is this idea that, every therapist will be an expert in every disorder. Which just is not realistic, in my opinion.
But that’s how we’re trained in grad school... to try to learn about EVERYTHING. And I think that most therapists recognize this isn’t how we do our best work. And eventually pick one or two areas that they want to become experts in.
For me, that was anxiety.
1) Agoraphobia isn’t just a fear of open spaces. Or being homebound.
That is certainly a more debilitating presentation. But it can also commonly present as fear or avoidance of at least 2 of the 5 areas listed below in which someone experiences fear.
-using public transportation
-being in open spaces
-being in enclosed spaces
-standing in line or being in a crowd
-being outside of the home alone
Agoraphobia can look like avoidance in areas where someone fears escape is difficult or help unavailable, like:
-grocery stores
-long walks
-being in unfamiliar areas
-riding a boat
-being home alone
2) OCD isn’t just the fear of germs and needing things to be tidy.
Again, this isn’t totally incorrect, as some people OCD absolutely present with these obsessions. But, it can also present in a lot of other ways that can be incredibly difficult for a client to talk about.
Such as:
-harm to themselves or others
-sexual images & sexual orientation
Obsessions can sound like fear that you will snap and hurt someone, that you will say something racist, that you might hurt your child, that you’re not actually straight/gay, and offending God. (Just to name a FEW).
Another major misconception about OCD is:
Thinking people like their obsessions or compulsions.
They do not, and people need to understand that these obsessions are UNWANTED and DISTRESSING.
There is literally not such thing as a positive obsession. This diagnosis is more accurately like hell on earth until you get treatment.
So people who describe themselves as “a little OCD” because they enjoy things being organized are NOT describing OCD. But, that’s a longer rant that I won’t get into now...
3) Therapists only giving reassurance and teaching coping skills.
These two are more about balance. Both can be helpful, but if they are used solely to get rid of anxiety then you’re not doing your client any favors. In fact an overreliance on either one can keep a client stuck.
The goal can’t ever be that anxiety will decrease to 0%. So somewhere in there, you need to teach a client how to sit with the anxiety and still live a fabulous life.
If you struggle with OCD, agoraphobia, panic, or anxiety then do yourself a favor and work with someone who totally understands those experiences. Reach out today to get started with therapy