To the anxious folks — this one is for you.

You always thought anxiety was something you should take care of yourself, but now, you’re realizing it’s consuming most of your energy and not just interfering with the things you want to do, but also with the person you want to be.

You always thought you need to just do some yoga and relax, but you never expected anxiety to pop back up the second you walk out of class. There’s all the ways you might be unintentionally reinforcing anxiety, understanding the nitty gritty of how it works and what it’s kryptonite is, and of course building confidence in yourself to tackle it.

Because it’s not about trying to completely get rid of anxiety (that’s not possible for anyone). This is about learning how to respond when it does pop up so that it doesn’t stick around or completely ruin your day.

That’s where I come in.

My job is to help you understand how anxiety really works so you can separate yourself from it, and make changes that will actually bring you the long term relief you’re looking for. And help you find the confidence to do it!

You’ve been listening to self help podcasts and all the therapists on IG, for years, but you’ve never felt a real lasting change or relief from anxiety. You’ve already got the drive to make the change happen, but you’re not changing the behaviors that will decrease anxiety. You just need a little help figuring out what those changes specifically are for you! I’m here to guide you through it and give you a little push if needed.

Are you ready to…

  • Spend less time trying to problem solve for worst case scenarios (that might not happen) and more time doing the things you that really matter to you.

  • Stop second guessing yourself

  • Feel confident 

  • And get your energy back

Here’s how it’ll go down:

  1. You book time on my calendar for a free 15-20 minute intro call.

  2. This helps you and me learn a little about each other and make sure we’re a good fit.

  3.  And then we either schedule a session to get started or if you want other referrals I’ll give you those, too!

It’s time to send anxiety packing and find your confidence again!

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.