Panic Disorder Group Therapy
Feel in control and in charge. Even at level 10.
Avoid. Avoid. Avoid. When panic comes out of the blue, it’s easy to want to hide from anything that tips you into an emergency
But come out of the shadows, we can treat this.
Panic has a hold on you. You’re avoiding the places that triggered a panic attack. You’re nervous to do certain things because, what if it happens again? And you feel like a complete mess who will never be normal again.
Don’t worry. I know exactly how you feel. And that’s the panic talking. I promise.
Because panic disorders, no matter how out of control they feel, are completely treatable.
And that panic monster doesn’t have to put a pause on your entire life.
Panic Disorder Group Therapy
8 weeks of panic-specific anxiety treatment, so you can free yourself from the hold panic has on you and finally live a life that’s bigger than what’s cycling through your mind.
You are not weak for struggling with panic. And even though a lot of shame surrounds panic disorder, there is nothing to be ashamed about. Panic is big. It feels big. But it makes you small. But no matter how big it is, it’s treatable. Then the big can be the life you’re able to create, not the panic monster who’s taking over your thoughts and sense of self.
A note from Michelle
I love panic. Wait, what?!
You heard me.
Panic disorder is one of the most treatable mental health struggles, despite it looking pretty messy and terrifying on the outside.
I’ve seen clients go from shrinking completely to freeing themselves of panic. And these shifts are not one-off results.
As a therapist, I know what it’s doing and I know how to take it from a five alarm fire to just another thought without the panicked charge.
I’ve seen so many of people go from hiding and trying to stay afloat with anxiety to getting that sparkle back and doing the things they thought were out of the cards for them.
And there’s no reason why you can’t be the next person who starts living a life of freedom, knowing anything you decide to do, your anxiety can’t ruin it for you.
It’s time to stop feeling on edge.
It’s time to feel confident when you go out.
It’s time to know anxiety is a part of you, not the driver of your life.
It’s time to take off the panic handcuffs.
It’s time to turn down the volume on panic.
Don’t let panic win.
It’s time to take your life back.
Join The Group
- 8 Weeks of Weekly Virtual Group Therapy Sessions
- A Community of People Who Are Committed to a Life Where Anxiety Doesn’t Win