How Is Anxiety Different Than Stress?

Life has thrown a lot your way lately.

You’re a little overwhelmed, on edge, and in defense mode at most times during your days.

You feel like you have so much to get done within a day, but the days have been feeling like they’re moving at a rate that you can’t seem to keep up with.

You’re not really sure if this is just a stressful season for you or if anxiety may be to blame.

Let’s learn more about how anxiety is different than stress.

What is Stress?

Stress is the body's natural response to feeling overwhelmed about specific life events. When the body experiences any type of stress, it tries to protect or defend itself through fight or flight mode.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is very similar to stress, which is why differentiating the two may be a bit confusing. Anxiety goes beyond just the feelings of stress. When someone is experiencing anxiety, they will experience feelings of worry and uncertainty about the next steps or their future.

The Similarities

A lot of the similarities between stress and anxiety lie within the signs and symptoms that someone can experience. Both anxiety and stress can experience the following signs and symptoms:

  • Anxious thoughts

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea

  • Headaches

  • High blood pressure

  • Loss of sleep

  • Stomach aches and pains

  • Tension

  • Quickened breathing

  • Uneasiness

hispanic man standing in nature with arms crossed smiling

The Differences

While stress and anxiety share a lot of the same symptoms and can even stem from the same series of events, anxiety and stress are two completely different feelings that someone can have. Let's dive into some of the differences between stress and anxiety.

The Cause

While anxiety can lead to stress and stress can lead to anxiety, both have different triggers that can cause someone to develop either.

Stress is typically caused by external factors. Anxiety, on the other hand, is often caused by internal factors. There isn't always a trigger that is identifiable when it comes to anxiety.

The Triggers

Some of the most common triggers of stress are the following:

  • Change in relationship status

  • Death of a loved one

  • Getting furloughed, laid off, or fired

  • Moving to a new home, city, or state

  • Trauma

Anxiety triggers, when present, look more like the following:

  • Exposure to a phobia like blood, heights, water, or bugs

  • Fear of being judged by others

  • Feeling like things are out of place

  • Public speaking

  • Social situations or interactions

The Timeframe

Another differentiator between stress and anxiety is the length of time that the signs and symptoms occur. Stress is usually something that is short-term. Anxiety is a feeling that can unfortunately stay for longer periods of time, even if the threat has passed or ended completely.

Next Steps

No matter if you're dealing with stress, anxiety, or a combination of the two, you're not alone. Everyone experiences both stress and anxiety from time to time. If you notice that you're starting to show signs and symptoms of either stress or anxiety for periods of two weeks or more, it's a good indicator that it's time to reach out for additional support.

A licensed and trained mental health professional will be able to help you work through any signs and symptoms you're experiencing, help you get to the root cause of your stress or anxiety, and help you find ways to better manage and even more forward in your life again.

It's never too late to get the help you need and deserve. You are not defined by your anxiety or stress. We're here to help you when you're ready to ask for it. Reach out today to set up a consultation for anxiety therapy.


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