Read this if you struggle with PANIC ATTACKS

According to the DSM a panic attack is “an abrupt surge of intense fear or intense discomfort that reaches peak within minutes” 

Common symptoms include:

  • sweating

  • trembling/shaking

  • fear of dying

  • chest pain/discomfort

  • feelings of choking

  • nausea

  • fear of going “crazy”

  • lightheadedness/dizziness

  • shortness of breath

  • chest pain or discomfort

  • derealization/depersonalization

  • numbness or tingling sensation

Panic attacks are very unpleasant, but they are not dangerous.

The problem is that your amygdala is triggering your flight or fight response which tells you there is danger. And humans are primed to listen to that.

But, your amygdala is wrong. Kind of like a smoke detector when you burn the pizza. You’re not gonna get rid of the smoke detector, but you’re also not calling the fire department unless you see more evidence of a fire.

So in therapy, we work to basically recalibrate your amygdala so it’s not constantly sounding the fire alarm with no fire.

You might be wondering…but, how do I get the panic attacks to STOP?

You don’t. But you can retrain your brain to learn that they aren’t dangerous, which in time can make them less likely to occur.

Part of this is through exposures aimed at collecting evidence that disputes the common fears that folks have (heart attack, going crazy, losing control, will pass out, etc).

And learning to not do things that can make them worse long term. So not engaging in safety behaviors (basically can be anything intended to get rid of the anxiety).

But, “They just keep coming out of the blue.”

They do rapidly appear, but generally if we track them and look, they follow a pattern that starts with a cue (could be a thought, sensation, or feeling) followed by a catastrophic interpretation and eventually culminating in a panic attack.

For example: I notice a heart palpitation, have the thought “Oh, god am I having a heart attack”, I check my pulse and start checking for any other signs, very quickly escalating into a panic attack.

While panic attacks do suck, they don’t have to torment you forever. 

We can work in therapy to unlearn that fear response and rewire your brain so that you can get control back from panic.

Individual therapy can help or group therapy for panic disorder. Reach out today for a free 15 minute consult call.


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